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Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Mark Of Athena Predictions

                    As of recently I have began to read the Mark of Athena and have been trying but have not been able to put it down. Annabeth has recently just left to go find the Mark of Athena where she consults a giant spider who is guarding the Mark of Athena. She is one of the first to find it but she doubts she'll be the first come back alive with it. Frank, Hazel, and Leo have also recenlty left the Argo II to go find where the captured Nico de Angelo is. If they successfully find it, they will find there first group challenge since there are giants and traps there. And if they get caught, there will be no way any one will be able to capture Gaea. These spirits of Gaea called Eidolons have been recently following them on the quest trying to possess their bodies and take over them. They have done that on the Argo II to Jason, Percy, and Leo. But Piper charmed speaked them to stop coming on this ship and it has seemed to work.

                    But there quest has barely started since they have only made it Rome which is one of there destinations but if they succedd against Rome, they will have to go Greece to defend the original Mount Olympus. All the giants have risen from Tatarous and the Doors of Death that are somewhere near Rome and Greece is here and they have to seal the original ones to keep the giants in there good and hopefully put Gaea to sleep for good. But if they fail, Gaea will have one boy and one girl get there blood splattered and water Mount Olympus to help her become fully awake. And if that happens GAME OVER.

                    I want to predict that this quest will be successful in this book and the books that follow, but their crew is not doing so well. Annabeth broke her ankle and has to face a giant spider with sharp legs against her little dagger. Frank, Hazel, and Leo have just met Eidolons and have to find where Nico di Angelo is and find where that is without being captured by the giants and get their whole crew over there. Jason and Piper have to defend the Argo II in the middle of Rome, one of the original home of the gods and monsters. Percy has been thinking about what Athena had said to him in his dream which completely relates to this quest. It was that he would be too loyal to his friends when it came time and would save his friends instead of saving the world. Coach Hedge wants to straight out fight every monster but when that happened it just hurt the crew. Everyone on the ship has some secrets that are important but they are keeping them to themselves. And if they want to be a big team. They must know there team. Also they don't have a god with them since there is about to be a War between the Roman and the Greeks so the gods are splitting there two forms when they are about to battle. So killing the giants is not going to work and they need a huge miracle.

                   So I predict that Annabeth will probably not make it out like the other children of Athena trying to find the Mark of Athena. As Percy, Jason, Piper, Leo, Frank, and Hazel go to try and rescue Nico, they will be captured and they will be tortured but will fight trying to get out alive which they won't and Gaea will wake. Causing the world to be over and Game over for the Roman and Greeks because instead of trying to keep Gaea sleeping, they fought each other which was a distraction big enough to wake Gaea.

                   Sorry to be so negative but their crew right now needs a huge miracle to pull this off. And without the gods who are in America and they are in Rome and Greece,  this is gonna be a long shot for them.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Rick Riordan

                         Rick Riordan is the author of the series: Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus, and the Kane Chronicles. His books have been sold in 35 countries and there are least 35 million of his books from these three series in print in the United States. He started out being a full-time teacher but later on he switched to being a writer and is now a full-time writer.

                         His first novels were mystery books for adults which he wrote while he was being a teacher. Those books went on to win the top three national awards in the Mystery Genre. Before the series of the Percy Jackson and the Lightning Theif, he would read bed-time stories to his son. From that is where he got the idea to write Children's Stories and what came from that was the Percy Jackson series, the Kane Chronicles, and the Heroes of Olympus. He also wrone the Maze of Bones in the 39 clues series. Now he lives in Boston with his wife and two sons. His newest book, the House of Hades comes out 10-7-14 which will end the Heroes of Olympus series which is a step-off series of the Percy Jackson series.

                         I have already read the Percy Jackson series and am on the Mark of Athena in the Heroes of Olympus series. With the seven demigods about to go to Rome in the end of the Son of Neptune, the Romans think that the Argo II coming from Camp Half-Blood is a threat. When actually it's coming to get the other three demigods from Camp Jupiter and go to Rome and Greece to defend the original Mount Olympus.

                        The Mark of Athena is about how the seven are working there way to Rome and Greece in the Argo II to defend Mount Olympus. But Annabeth doesn't know what she is supposed to do about Percy. She is afraid that she won't need his old friends anymore and that he may like the Roman ways better now. Added onto that, Annabeth is carrying a demand from Athena which is to follow the mark of Athena and avenge her. But what is Athena trying to say to Annabeth? With Percy and Annabeth constantly among her thoughts, what is she supposed to do on this trip to Rome?


This link is a link that has the information on his books and a little information about himself. This is where I got some of the information to make this blog post.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Why I chose the Son of Neptune as my independent reading book

                 When I was finishing the Hunger Games series, I chose to next read the Heroes of Olympus because when I read the Percy Jackson books, I really enjoyed those. And when I read the summary of the Lost Hero and found that it was and brake-off series of Percy Jackson yet the same thing just after that series. So I thought that reading that book would be a good idea. Considering that it should be the same thing as Percy Jackson and that series, but even better.

                 In this book, The Son of Neptune, it starts out with Percy lost and no memory. He runs into a goddess who asks him to take her into the place where two guards were standing which appeared to be a neighborhood. As he got in, it turned out to be a Camp called Camp Jupiter. Which Percy had no clue on except that monsters kept following him all the way from where he woke up to Camp Jupiter and would always reapper in a few minutes. But Percy was welcomed into the camp and after a few days he was sent on a quest with Frank and Hazel all the way to Alsaka, where he can regain the god Thanthos, the god between life and death, and since he was gone, that is why the monsters keep coming back so easily. Which is about where I am in the book except he has starting the quest and not much as happened since.


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The son of Neptune before quest

                As I read the Son of Neptune it is kind of what I expected after reading the end of the Lost Hero. Percy Jackson randomly wakes up out of nowhere and has no memory what so ever. But two gorgons have found him after he's been running around randomly for two weeks. So all's he's done is fight them and they would instantly come back. And whatever attack they did on him, they couldn't seem to have any affect on him. So he was starting to get really tired and was almost done for it. But he decided to be stupid and jump off a cliff down to the highway to try and avoid the gorgons. But it was only a delay of 3 minutes. But when he got to the highway she found a lady with swelled feet standing in between the highway. And she asked him to take her to part of the highway where these guards are. So he did since the gorgons were coming. He got in while those guards took care of the gorgons. They guided him through a long dark tunnel into the camp, and when the river called the Little Tiber came up, she told him that he was indestructible since he bathed in the River Styx and if he went through the Little tiber it would wash that off but he did and then got to camp with a great introduction when he blew the gorgon dust away when he used the Little Tiber.

                 When he got there they had to put him into what they call a legion or cohorts which were sections that were divided into levels of skill, so of course Percy not remembering anything started at the bottom. With the guards he met which were Frank and Hazel. And that night they were in for a treat with what Camp Jupiter calls the War games. The five, third, and fourth legions/cohorts were going to try and raid the first and second legions/cohorts fortress that they built. And Percy's group was just trying to weaken the defense. But he Frank and Hazel had different plans and went underground since Hazel is the daughter of Pluto/Hades. Then they went on the other sides and Percy took out the water cannons and messed up some of the defenses at the top, and Frank shot some of them which allowed them to get in. Once they got in, Percy did great at fighting since he is from Camp Half-Blood which has a different style than the Romans so he got through them and won the game for them.

                    After the games the god of war Mars/Ares came and was mad since someone killed a legion leader after the game was over and since he is one of the biggest Roman gods, he told them that people and monsters weren't dying because the doors of death had been opened so someone who died a long time ago was alive too. Then he told them that there needed to be a quest where Frank would lead Percy and Hazel into the North outside the gods territory, like Jason's quest but alittle different and they had to be back by the Feast of Feautra. But then he said that he was happy of how Frank played and said that Frank was his son, which he wasn't that happy about because he is a really good archer.

                      So now in the book there is a quest kind of like Jason's but it might now be at the same time.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Son of Neptune

              At the end of the last book, Hera talked about an exchange of heroes to make peace between the two camps, and when Jason realized that, it meant that Percy Jackson is at the Roman camp and he doesn't remember who he is just like Jason was when he got here.

              So I can predict for the next book that it is about Percy Jackson randomly appearing somewhere near San Francisco not knowing who he is, wondering where he is, someone rescues him then take him to the Roman camp, and he is in a prophecy where he leads some people on a quest or by himself at the exact same time Jason is leading his quest and trying to complete it before the winter solctice. Which is the next book in The Heroes of Olympus series which I am going to read next.

End of Lost Hero

                Jason, Piper, and Leo had successfully made it through the quest they were given and barely made it according to the winter solctice. 

                 After the meeting with the wolf pack, Jason, Piper, Leo, and Coach Hedge went to the palace of Aeolus who thought that they were there to give him a promotion but instead asked for help which really made them him mad and they barely got out because he is not obe to be trusted. Then they were transported by Aphrodite the four of them to California with Piper some more money and a new outfit. Which was a lot for them and saved them time for their quest.

                 So they took a cab all the way too Mount Diablo and when they walked, the ground was starting to sink in. Which reassured them that Gaea was starting to wake, and if she did, they were done for it. So they went to the top to see the Giant Encladeus, who had Piper's dad tied up unconscinece and ready to be eaten at the winter solctice. So Jason took on the 30 foot giant while Piper took her dad, Leo took out all the sixed armed small giants. Coach Hedge also passed out. But everyone was doing great but Jason who was on the verge of dying but he got his dad to strike Lightning which did it for the giant. 

                 Then they all got a helicopter for her dad which would take her dad and Coach Hedge back to his house where they would be out of harm's way. Then Leo took control of the other Helicopter and made a landing then the plane was instantly destroyed at Jack London's house. Who was a writer who wrote about being a demigod in a way so people would not know about it. But his house is haunted because right before they were about to move in, it got destroyed. 

                 Then once Jason and the others got to the house, they saw Thaila and the other Hunters had captured the house but was losing it quickly and they couldn't seem to get Hera out of her cage. But his sister got frozen which was one less person for them. And when he beat the giant, he broke his sword so all he had was a wooden club to beat the monsters which was impossible since Leo and Piper were getting Hera out of her cage, so he was surrounded, and for the cage the earth was sinking the cage in which meant that Gaea is waking and the giant Porphyion was rising. And he just did.

                But Piper sent Gaea back to sleep by talking her back to sleep and they successfully got Hera out of her cage which then she took out all the monsters by going into her godly form which disengrated everything around her. Then she took them back to Camp Half-Blood which was a surprise for everyone there. When they got back Piper and Leo took control of their cabins, Leo showed them the drawing of what they needed to protect Mount Olympus when the giants come back called the Argo II after the Original Jason's ship. 

                Then Jason told the story of their quest to everyone who were shocked and also told them that Hera about an exchange of leaders was necessary for the demigods and gods to defeat Gaea and the titans and monsters. Which made them reailize that they were talking about the Roman gods were seperated from the Greek Demigods and their camp is hard to find and is where Jason came from which meant that Percy Jackson is at the Roman camp because he was the leader here and he probably doesn't remember anything. So they will need to make peace of they will lose and everything will be destroyed so they will have to go to Greece to protect the original Mount Olympus with the Romans and the Greeks, then the gods will help them out. 
Which is the end of the first book 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Honors English 1A Blogging Reflection

 Beginning of Trimester Blog Post: Katniss Everdeen of my novel, The Hunger Games, is currently trying to save herself and Peeta from the unexpected challenges of the Hunger Games. The rule change had just occurred saying that each tribute from one district can go home if they both are the final tribute. Peeta has now turned into Katniss' life to protect him. He did so many good things for her and she just repays him with something opposite of it. And Katniss hates owing people. The thought of killing people that are friends to her kills her on the inside. But she knows she has to give it all she's got to get home with Peeta in a well enough condition. But can she compeat with the Career's and everyone else who has survived.

 End of Trimester Blog Post:  Now that Jason, Leo, and Piper are on their quest, they thought that this would be the worse thing they've ever done and that Jason will lead them all over a cliff. But as of right now they have a day left till the Winter Solstice and they are in Colorado and have to rescue Hera and Piper's dad. And the Hunter's of Artemis haven't found Percy Jackson yet, which for them is a major problem.

            First though Leo led Jason and Piper on the dragon to Quebec, Canada to find the Ice God, Khione,  to ask him where the Aeolus to get them to find the spot where Hera is kidnapped, but with the three of them wanted to be killed, he sees that by letting them go on their quest is suicide in the first place so it's no use trying to kill them. So they got out alive and were told to head to Chicago because that is the windy city and Aeolus is the god of the wind.

            But on their way they crash land in Detroit. Since the Dragon's hardware just froze up suddenly and they just fell out of the air and Piper severely hurt her ankle. So while she was on the nectar to help her and Leo was repairing the dragon that landed on a row of portalets, Jason went inside the Monocle Motors place to check out what was in their. After awhile when Jason wasn't coming out and Piper's ankle healed after two doses of nectar, she went in the abandoned factory. As she stood at the top of the stairs while Jason said he was coming up to get her in his perfect voice which didn't sound startled at all. But when he got up their, it was Cyclopes who was capturing her but was using Jason's voice. So while they were hanging from chains and to be cooked, Leo heard Piper and came in and messed with the equipment while the Cyclopes weren't looking to make sure they didn't die. He was successful but they noticed Leo, who killed two of the Cyclopes which left the mother Cyclopes, who Leo was able to get to because he was resistant to fire. But once Leo got Piper and the passed out Jason down, the Cyclopes started to form into something bigger right away. So they left on the repaired Dragon right away for Detroit.

          On their way to Chicago, Jason spotted the storm spirits in Chicago just traveling around the city, so Leo directed the dragon through the city. But people just saw it as a helicopter that was scratching some buildings here and there. The storm spirits went into the fountain into the sewer that went straight down, so the three of them went down without the dragon. When they got in, they found an elevator that had 4 levels that were a shop for weapons, potions, poisons, accessories, and Coach Hedge. But the store worker, Meda who is 1,000 years old is charmspeaking to Jason and Leo to stay and shop and buy what they want, which is Coach Hedge and a memory potion. But their price is either Jason and Leo fight to the death or slavery as a statue or slavery for years. And if they choose to fight, if one of them dies, shes says that you throw them down the fountain and they'll come back alive and stronger. But right before they fight, Piper gets them out of the Charmspeaking and the giants that come out, get poison and potions on Medea who explodes with the store as Jason, Piper, and Leo head out west for Aeolus, because their is a trail in the air showing them where to go.

          Once again when Jason wakes up from sleeping, they are falling out of the sky, they are in Omaha, Nebraska. And with two storm spirits, Coach Hedge, Piper, and Jason, they all have to be held by Jason and fly off onto the ground safely while Leo tries to instantly repair the dragon. But he can't so they try to crash land in a river but end up in the backyard of a mansion that is solid gold. Leo almost severely hurt himself but when he got up he was perfectly fine, but the Dragon wasn't. It was completely destroyed. So they stay in the mansion for the night after getting through all the traps in the backyard. But when they get inside, they get Coach Hedge out of the Ice and he still thinks hes at the Grand Canyon so he starts hitting his club like he's protecting the three of them. So he wakes up the owners of the mansion, Lit, the owner's son, and King Midas, who has the golden touch. Who also has many demigods that are gold statues who trespassed her too. And he touches Piper and Leo who turn straight to gold, and Coach Hedge is outside eating Grass when actually they need him. So Jason chooses to fight Lit, who is called the "Reaper of the Men". He uses all Greek techniques that means that he was attacking the whole time and Jason was doing Roman which was defense then finding a time to break their style, which Jason did but King Midas tapped him so he was solid gold. So King Midas fought Jason, but he used lightning to shock him which caused the other statues to come back alive. So they all left before a bigger fight was about to emerge.

          So as of right now in the book Piper and Leo got better from becoming statues, the Hunters of Artmeis meet up with them who are looking for Percy Jackson but Thalia who is Jason's sister meets her for the first time in ten or so years so they are excited. But they only have a day to rescue Hera and to save Piper's dad from being killed. So the rising action just seems to continue.

            The quality of my writing has improved drastically over the trimester by inserting more detail to explain what has happened in the book to help the reader of my blog to understand what happened in the book or the literary elements that have happened in my book. At the beginning of the trimester, when I would read a full 50 pages or so and blog about it, I only stated one paragraph that showed the summary of the first few books. But now I described little details that won’t give away a book but make you want to know more. In the first post, “. Peeta has now turned into Katniss' life to protect him.” This sentence mainly describes what Peeta was trying to do in the first and second books. But my latest post, “But when they get inside, they get Coach Hedge out of the Ice and he still thinks hes at the Grand Canyon so he starts hitting his club like he's protecting the three of them.” This newest part of the post describes what has happened in that part of the book, not the full book, and isn’t the summary of most the series or anything, but has better detail. Also the post from the first trimester was one paragraph that was very short. The post from the end of the trimester is 6 paragraphs long. So I have been able to find more to blog about.

            One thing that I struggled at through this experience was getting something good to blog about. What I didn’t want to do was repeat saying the same thing twice. So I had to take a lot of time to read 150 pages or so to make a great blog post. I overcame this struggle by trying to read fast and more than usual. One strength I had with blogging was having my posts have good information about the book. I remembered what I read and was able to state it in the post so that the reader of my blog would know what happened at that part in the book. After this trimester, I was not close to completeing my reading goal of 13 books. I am in my 4th book for this trimester. On goodreads.com, I kept my reading status updated every so often, gave a review to a book, and liked a few quotes and genres from the beginning of the year. But mainly, what I have done to become a better reader over the trimester was to analyze what each part of the book meant and remembering what the important details of the recent part I read was. So for this trimester blogging has helped me become a better reader and writer throughout the trimester. 

Almost done with Lost Hero

            Now that Jason, Leo, and Piper are on their quest, they thought that this would be the worse thing they've ever done and that Jason will lead them all over a cliff. But as of right now they have a day left till the Winter Solstice and they are in Colorado and have to rescue Hera and Piper's dad. And the Hunter's of Artemis haven't found Percy Jackson yet, which for them is a major problem.

            First though Leo led Jason and Piper on the dragon to Quebec, Canada to find the Ice God, Khione,  to ask him where the Aeolus to get them to find the spot where Hera is kidnapped, but with the three of them wanted to be killed, he sees that by letting them go on their quest is suicide in the first place so it's no use trying to kill them. So they got out alive and were told to head to Chicago because that is the windy city and Aeolus is the god of the wind.

            But on their way they crash land in Detroit. Since the Dragon's hardware just froze up suddenly and they just fell out of the air and Piper severely hurt her ankle. So while she was on the nectar to help her and Leo was repairing the dragon that landed on a row of portalets, Jason went inside the Monocle Motors place to check out what was in their. After awhile when Jason wasn't coming out and Piper's ankle healed after two doses of nectar, she went in the abandoned factory. As she stood at the top of the stairs while Jason said he was coming up to get her in his perfect voice which didn't sound startled at all. But when he got up their, it was Cyclopes who was capturing her but was using Jason's voice. So while they were hanging from chains and to be cooked, Leo heard Piper and came in and messed with the equipment while the Cyclopes weren't looking to make sure they didn't die. He was successful but they noticed Leo, who killed two of the Cyclopes which left the mother Cyclopes, who Leo was able to get to because he was resistant to fire. But once Leo got Piper and the passed out Jason down, the Cyclopes started to form into something bigger right away. So they left on the repaired Dragon right away for Detroit.

          On their way to Chicago, Jason spotted the storm spirits in Chicago just traveling around the city, so Leo directed the dragon through the city. But people just saw it as a helicopter that was scratching some buildings here and there. The storm spirits went into the fountain into the sewer that went straight down, so the three of them went down without the dragon. When they got in, they found an elevator that had 4 levels that were a shop for weapons, potions, poisons, accessories, and Coach Hedge. But the store worker, Meda who is 1,000 years old is charmspeaking to Jason and Leo to stay and shop and buy what they want, which is Coach Hedge and a memory potion. But their price is either Jason and Leo fight to the death or slavery as a statue or slavery for years. And if they choose to fight, if one of them dies, shes says that you throw them down the fountain and they'll come back alive and stronger. But right before they fight, Piper gets them out of the Charmspeaking and the giants that come out, get poison and potions on Medea who explodes with the store as Jason, Piper, and Leo head out west for Aeolus, because their is a trail in the air showing them where to go.

          Once again when Jason wakes up from sleeping, they are falling out of the sky, they are in Omaha, Nebraska. And with two storm spirits, Coach Hedge, Piper, and Jason, they all have to be held by Jason and fly off onto the ground safely while Leo tries to instantly repair the dragon. But he can't so they try to crash land in a river but end up in the backyard of a mansion that is solid gold. Leo almost severely hurt himself but when he got up he was perfectly fine, but the Dragon wasn't. It was completely destroyed. So they stay in the mansion for the night after getting through all the traps in the backyard. But when they get inside, they get Coach Hedge out of the Ice and he still thinks hes at the Grand Canyon so he starts hitting his club like he's protecting the three of them. So he wakes up the owners of the mansion, Lit, the owner's son, and King Midas, who has the golden touch. Who also has many demigods that are gold statues who trespassed her too. And he touches Piper and Leo who turn straight to gold, and Coach Hedge is outside eating Grass when actually they need him. So Jason chooses to fight Lit, who is called the "Reaper of the Men". He uses all Greek techniques that means that he was attacking the whole time and Jason was doing Roman which was defense then finding a time to break their style, which Jason did but King Midas tapped him so he was solid gold. So King Midas fought Jason, but he used lightning to shock him which caused the other statues to come back alive. So they all left before a bigger fight was about to emerge.

          So as of right now in the book Piper and Leo got better from becoming statues, the Hunters of Artmeis meet up with them who are looking for Percy Jackson but Thalia who is Jason's sister meets her for the first time in ten or so years so they are excited. But they only have a day to rescue Hera and to save Piper's dad from being killed. So the rising action just seems to continue.

The Lost Hero 210.jpg

Monday, October 28, 2013

First part of The Lost Hero

Jason has just been chosen to lead a quest to find the captured god, Hera. Who has apparently stolen his memory three days ago and sent sports through other people to tell them that they can't leave her and they must recuse her. Also since she is the one who holds the other gods back from conflict. It will just lead the gods into more fighting. But with Mount Olympus closed, their is already something going on between them. Then there's also the fact that Percy Jackson has somehow disappeared into the middle of nowhere, Annabeth and the rest of the camp are either freaking out or gettjng really nervous about him. Who is one of the most looked up person at the camp. So Jason, Piper, and Leo will go on a quest that could be even worse the the one in The Last Olympian. 

                               And they are going to need a ride that goes through the air to do that, which sounds impossible when your a half-blood, so Leo decides to go find the dragon in the woods that everyone is calling dangerous, but when Leo finds it, it likes Leo instead of attacking him. But that Dragon has no wings. Which puts a slump on Leo's day till he realizes that there is a cave at the top with blueprints for the dragon made in 1894. And hanging from the ceiling is what should be wings that have not been added on to the dragon yet. And they only have 4 days till the Winter Solctice, which is when they have to complete their quest. So Leo may be good with tools, but has a very short ti8me to work on this project.

                              Piper has also just found out that she is the daughter of Apphodite and is the goddess of love, which is huge for her and she got plenty of respect from people about this. But the spirit that keeps possesing her and this quest is starting to scare her because she has no idea about it and is scared of what will be on it. Since Jason has lost his memory and she has the mist that so called mortals have when they see these greek dragons or such, she doesn't know if she really went out with him or not. He doesn't remember a thing and she could be making up such memories. So she should be hopping that this quest turns it around for them.

                              Jason was just named the Son of Zeus, the god of all the gods. But campers can't believe this because kids of Hades, Zeus, and Poseidon are stronger than normal demi-gods so they have an advantage against them first off and if they don't use their power to the best of their advantage, something seriously bad could happen to them or some of the gods or other half-bloods. But since he doesn't remember anything about how he got on the bus at the Grand Canyon, it's a serious problem for him to know what to do since he just got here and is already been chosen to lead a quest with Piper and Leo, who are also brand-new to Camp Half-Blood, so they have no experience fighting, don't know who the enemy is, what they look like, or what they can do. And jason seriously doesn't wnat to just lead Piper and Leo off a cliff with them after this quest. So there is plenty more for them to learn and accomplish on this trip. Which could save the lives of most demi-gods and gods or let a new king rise and cause terror between gods and demi-gods with them.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Lost Hero

The next book I am going to read is The Lost Hero. Since it's a step off series of Percy Jackson, I can predict that it's going to be something about kids that are half bloods or the Greek or roman gods. Since I liked the Percy Jackson series when I read it awhile ago. I predict also that I will like this one as well. The main characters will probably encounter some sort of Greek or Roman creature that most people thought was a myth and destroy it like the end of the Percy Jackson series. And since the cover has a picture of a dragon on the front. I can assume that this is going to be about how they defeat and or train it to help them. Now I can't wait to find out what the books about 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

End of Hunger Games Series

As I finished the final book Mockingjay, it's not what I thought would happen. Plenty of people died that you would never suspect dying died. Prim, Finnick, Coin, and many other members of District 13. The war that district 13 and the Capitol had was very short. After Katniss told her squad to go through the Capitol without being told. District 13 was able to penetrate the Capitol very easily. Katniss also lost most of her squad to Capitol traps and the sewer underneath the Capitol. Which is just more deaths because of Katniss, which is also things she can never repay which she hates, a lot. Then when Katniss votes for another Hunger Games with Capitol children, I was surprised how Katniss voted for it. I knew Katniss hated the Capitol, but I didn't think that she would vote for it. After being in there twice. And after the Capitol surrendered, Katniss was aloud to kill snow, but she shot the arrow at Coin and killed her because Katniss agreed not to lie to Snow, but she hated him, so i'm still having a hard time understand why she did that. She wanted to kill Snow more than anything but didn't, just so she could kill Coin because she thought that she was going to kill her. So Katniss had to go to court and got out only because she wasn't completely cleared medically. So then they got Paylor as president. So Katniss' life is set with Peeta and two children in district 12 with a country where you don't have a chance that your children to get killed. So she's happy and that's the end of the series.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

As I'm reading Mockingjay, the final book of the Hunger Games series, you can feel how the plot of each of the books were all rising for this spot in the final book. Katniss has volunteered to be the mockingjay in District 13's plot to overthrow the Capitol. With all the Districts but 2 in uprisings, if they can all work together, they should have a chance to successfully overthrow the capitol. At the end of the first book, the reader thought that the real plot was Katniss going into the Hunger Games and ended when she got out alive, but actually started again when Katniss pulled out the berries because for the first time someone actually defined against the capitol and actually one. In the second book, the rising action kept rising again because on the victory tour, the districts wanted to rebel when they saw her because they found out that she got alive from doing something to the Capitol. And Katniss was told to throw out the fire of rebellion or she would be killed. But instead without trying she threw fuel into the fire which she thought was completely bad until she realized theme of the last book, know who the enemy is. She thought to save Peeta she would have to be good to the Capitol, but that's who would do bad things to her family and friends. Now in the final book, Katniss will have to lead the rebels against the Capitol, and if they survive, they won't have to deal with President Snow or anyone of the Capitol ever again, but if they don't win, they'll be in for a huge Hunger Games, or worse...

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Prediction of Catching Fire

As Catching Fire ended, Katniss was on her way to District 13, where she thought didn't exist anymore. So this I predict will be rebuilt since they have a Hovercraft. Which is why the Capitol shows the same image of District 13 everytime they use it as a background. There is a Mockingjay in the top right corner that always leaves at exactly the same time they show it. Since the Capitol captured Peeta and other tributes like Johanna, they will probably try to torture the answer out of them to find out where the victors are. And since the other districts have revolted and probably taken over the District and have captured and unarmed Peacekeepers, they will probably join together to take over and overthrow the Capitol. As for Katniss and the rest of Distict 13, since they took the victors out of the arena which was a very risky act to start with, they will probably be in the lead of this revolt against the Capitol. But can all the districts with very little weapons and technology compared to the Capitol's whole lot of supplies and weapons, will they either all be killed and tortured, or have their plan successful, which now I really want to find out.

(Final book in the series of Hunger Games)

Summary Of Catching Fire

As I finished the Hunger Games, I can't wait to read the final book in the series, Mockingjay. This book changed how Katniss looked at everything and if she stops now, who knows what will happen, she could be in the torture of her life, or worse. At first all she wanted was her family and friends to  be safe after what she did in the arena with the berries against the Capitol. The Capitol thought that this was a threat. Which was really just because Katniss and Peeta didn't want to kill one another. But after she heard she started some rebellion, and severly hated the capitol, it could be her chance to lead the people of the districts to overthrow the Capitol and President Snow. And sending the victors just sent oil into the flames instead of extinguishing them. In the arena Katniss didn't realize that she was allies with Finnick and Johanna because they were knew of a plan that was that a District 13 hovercraft was going to come and rescue most of the victors. She thought that they just wanted her because of her good score. But once at the end there was a plan to use lightning and use it as electricty to go through the water and around the tree and the beach to kill all the tributes on the beach or in the water. But actually it was a plan to take out the force field of the arena so a hovercraft can come in and take out Katniss and most of the other victors so they don't have to fight to the death. Which is why Johanna slightly knocked her out to get the tracker chip out of her arm so the capitol won't be able to see where she is and attack the people around her and capture her and others. Once Katniss on the hovercraft heading for District 13, she could be in for a fight with the Capitol that will be worse than being in the arena twice. Which will be in the next book Mockingjay, which I would recommend to you if you liked the other two books.

Sunday, October 6, 2013


As I finished Catching Fire, during her second time in the arena you could see how she recognized the theme. Which was for her is that remember who the enemy is.  Which for us since we don't really want to have enemies, is mainly knowing whats/whos right and wrong. For Katniss the real enemey is the Capitol not the other tributes and victors. For us, it is knowing what the right thing is or who is the good person and telling them apart from the bad decision and the bad person so you don't do the wrong thing. Because Katniss wants to do the right thing by overthrowing the Capitol because they are doing everything wrong. To us, we want to make the choices and meet the good people instead of friending the bad people and doing the bad decision. Since she was trying to save Peeta, she was trying to shoot Enoboria but realized that the Capitol was the real enemy, not her. The capitol was the one who makes people starve and have children fight to death for entertainment while they watch and live in luxury. In the beginning she was trying to not start a revolution for President Snow because she did not want any of her family and friends to get hurt. But for her that was the enemy and she should be fighting against them instead of working for them. In the book, President Snow comes to visit Katniss to talk about trying to halt the uprisings because she thinks she the enemy and President Snow tells her,"Convince Me," (Collins 29). All she wants is no one to get hurt while she can continue to live for the rest of her life. But once she hears she has to go back into the arena, all she wants to do is protect Peeta because hes not in trouble. After the arena on the way to District 13, she realizes who the enemy is. Another example that explains the theme is, "Enemy. Enemy. The word is tugging at a recent memory. Pulling it into the present. The look on Haymitch's face. 'Kaniss when you're in the arena...' THe scowl, the misgiving. 'What?' I hear my own voice tighten as I bristle at some unspoken accusation. 'You just remember who the enemy is,' Haymitch says. 'That's all," (Pg 378). This quote reinforces the theme that I brought out. She really wants to save Peeta but Enovoria is not the one that is going to torture him, it would be the Capitol, which makes her shoot at the force field instead of her. For us, by Katniss doing that, she would just be doing the wrong thing which would do nothing for Peeta.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


In the second novel of the Hunger Games, Catching Fire, other victors such as Finnick, Johanna, Mags, Peeta, and Beetee find out that they have to go back in the arena to fight one another for the Quarter Quell. And since Katniss and Peeta are one of the least experienced of the victors, they need to make allies to be able to survive the arena. For Finnick, Katniss thinks that he is trying to flirt with her but it turns out that he actually was trying to keep her alive so the rebellions could stay alive. For Johanna, at first she looks to Katniss as a person who hates everyone and everything, but actually hates the capitol, so she is really trying to save Katniss. For Mags, to Katniss she looks like an innocent old lady and for her, thats all she finds out because she walks into the fog that killed her. For Peeta, he is the only one who Katniss wants to win these games because she mainly owes her life to him from the berries to everything else shes done to him. For Beetee, he is the one who stops the games because he breaks the force field which allows the District 13 hovercraft that stops everyone from fighting, so she, Peeta, and the other victors still alive can live.  In the training sessions, she meets almost every victor and talks to each of them. And after meeting them, she finds she likes all of them because they all have the same thing in common and aren't all new to because they have done what it takes to survive and once again forced to go back because they have power over the capitol audience. They all share that connection since they know the difference between the capitol and the districts that the capitol is doing everything wrong to them once, but now twice. The Victors aren't suppose to go into the reaping twice, because if they win, the rules are that they don't have to go into it again for life. So these victors all don't want to have to kill each other but know they have to. And that she could have them as allies but if they get to know one another like she did with Rue, then the thought of possibly killing them is really hard. So right now in the book, I am right at where they are going to start the Quarter Quell with one another. And the plot is in the rising action and is rising fast because she doesn't know what to do because these people are all friends with one another. So for her and Peeta right now, they will have to find allies quick and know what to do to keep Peeta alive, because she desperately owes it to him. Because she's the reason that uprisings are starting everywhere; right when she pulled out the berries at the last Hunger Games. But what will she do with the other victors? Friend them or fight them?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Book Recomendation

If you're looking for a new book to read and want something you haven't read before, I would recommend reading the Hunger Games. The Hunger Games is a book about a 16 year old girl named Katniss Everdeen who lives in the Hostile District 12. Where 2 kids from ages 12-18 from each of the 12 districts are forced to send one boy and girl to go fight to the death on live TV, just for the entertainment. For District 12 this year, Katniss' sister, Prim, is chosen to go to the arena for the girl selection. Katniss knows how scared Prim was for this happening, so she volunteers for her. So now Katniss has to go fight to the death against 23 other tributes who don't want to be there either. She's used to hunting animals in the woods, but she doubts she will ever do the same to a person. But there in District 12, she supplys the food for the family and helps care for her mother and her sister, so another huge obstacle has been thrown in the way. And Katniss already hates the Capitol enough for what they were doing before Katniss' sister was chosen. The movie for this book is also really good, but not at relating to the book. The movie excludes the details of the beginning of the book where Katniss starts out in District 12 and it exculdes seeing every tribute fighting in the arena like you see in the book. In the book they mainly count down from one tribute to another. But in the movie, they skip a few tributes in the arena. And in the arena you also don't see the detail of each and every attack like you do in the book. Also since I liked this book, I would recommend reading the next book in the series Catching Fire, after you would read this one if you liked this book. And if it is like this book but continued, the next book should be even better.

Monday, September 16, 2013

As I finished the first book in the Hunger Games. I thought it would have been a happy ending because they would both be able to make it home safely. But I thought all wrong. Since President Snow was furious about how Katniss and Peeta made them let them both win by using the berries to kill themselves both if they ate them to both stay together. So Haymitch has told them that they have to act like they love each other forever. But why will Katniss have to act, she looks she already is in love and Peeta isn't acting when he tells her. But they will have to be able to act like it until the capital can get over it, which is most likely never for them. And if someone was mad at me, I would want to try and not to get them mad at me too but try and get what I want.  I can bet plenty of people would fake a lot of things to try and make up the truth to make them not guilty all around the world. But in the next book. I can predict that there will be a lot of Katniss faking being in love with Peeta and a mad Capital behind there every mood. Because in other books like Harry Potter, most conflicts don't end in just one book. Like with Voldemort after Harry through seven books and the fight doesn't end till the seventh. But will Katniss be able to fake being in love with Peeta forever with Peeta mad at her? Now I want to find out

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

In the Huunger Games, the arena which every tribute is forced to go into is always changing to make it. So there's always something different within it every time they describe Katniss or other characters fighting and surviving it. Since Katniss is always moving around and never staying in the same spot in the arena, she sees it from many different views. Here is a quote from the beginning of the games, "We're on a flat, open stretch of ground. A plain of hard-packed dirt. Behind the tributes across from me, I can see nothing, indicating either a steep downward slope or even a cliff. To my right lies a lake. To my left and back, sparse piney woods. This is where Haymitch would want me to go. Immeadiately" (Pg 148). For Katniss being good with a bow and arrow and being able to climb trees very well. Katniss is in a lot of luck compared to those who aren't. So she has a good chance of winning because she can shoot rabbits really well so she'll be able to have food. She can hide in trees because of her size so she can easily climb high up in trees where no one will notice her and she can shoot them from above or sleep where people can't get to her. Which is what this quote describes, "I pick my tree carefully. A willow, not terribly tall but set in a clump of other willows offering concealment in those long, flowing tresses. I climb up, sticking to the stronger branches close to the trunk, and find a sturdy fork for my bed" (Pg 156). These two quotes describe the advantages that Katniss has over the other tributes in the Hunger Games. So I can infer that Katniss has a great chance of winning of the Hunger Games because of her abilities and the area around her.

Monday, September 9, 2013

As I've been reading the Hunger Games, one familiar theme has came up through out it and that is that you have to work for what you want. In district 12, the people have use the best of what they can find to their advantage. Everyone is always sick and injured and forced to work and if they don't, they can't support their families. When Gale asks her about a revolt, they would have to work really hard against a really advanced country to be able to work that off. Even in the Arena the only way people have one before, is by working hard to try and keep themselves going. And this can be an example for any of us doing anything, that we need to work hard and use everything we have to help us to be able to get what we want which is what we would be working for. If not there is not a point in trying to work for it. When Katniss and Peeta are in the arena, you can tell how hard Katniss uses whats around her to be able to survive and work for getting home, "I-- I-- we teamed up. Blew up the supplies. I tried to save her, I did. But he got there first. District One," I say. Maybe if he knows I helped Rue, he won't chose some slow, sadistic end for me" (Pg 287). This quote helps you imagine what Katniss was trying to do. She teamed up with Rue who was sneaky enough to help them blow up supplies to get one of them a step closer to going back home where they all want to be. And that's what they all try to do. Use what they got and work hard with it.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Katniss Everdeen of my novel, The Hunger Games, is currently trying to save herself and Peeta from the unexpected challenges of the Hunger Games. The rule change had just occurred saying that each tribute from one district can go home if they both are the final tribute. Peeta has now turned into Katniss' life to protect him. He did so many good things for her and she just repays him with something opposite of it. And Katniss hates owing people. The thought of killing people that are friends to her kills her on the inside. But she knows she has to give it all she's got to get home with Peeta in a well enough condition. But can she compeat with the Career's and everyone else who has survived.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Peter Friedman, a superstar pitcher, of my summer reading novel Curveball: The year I lost my grip changed dramatically over the course of my novel. When it's at the highest point of the climax, he realizes that he is the problem between his friend AJ, Angelika, and his grandfather. He thinks with his friend AJ that he won't understand that Peter can never play baseball again but in reality Peter can't just say it to him.Then in the end he can finally say that his injury is forcing him to never play again. Which ends all the major problems. Which is why Angelika is mad at him because he can't be honest to AJ which causes another twist in the plot. Then this ends when Peter can tell her that he knows what he has to tell AJ and his parents. Then his grandfather is losing his mind and Peter is the one not telling his parents that they have to do something to help him. He calls 911 to tell them to get to his grandfather when he is driving and can't remember anything and tells his parents he knew and this was all his fault. Which is how he developed in my touching novel to a more honest person encountering three major problems . He understood that he was the problem. And he was the one who fixed it. Which changes how he acted around them. He could actually talk to Angelika and AJ again because they stopped being mad at him and he was able to tell both of them the truth. Which allowed his Grandfather to go to an assisted living place. His best friend AJ to be friends again with Peter. And allowed Angelika to like Peter again and get their lives back on track.
An article I found on my novel demonstrates how my novel is more than just baseball and photography and everything working your way. It explains how he takes on these situations in an enjoyable way that makes you love the book and the characters and don't have to like baseball or photography. And because this story is so realistic, it could almost be a connection between some teens with the same problems going on in their lives.