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Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Mark Of Athena Predictions

                    As of recently I have began to read the Mark of Athena and have been trying but have not been able to put it down. Annabeth has recently just left to go find the Mark of Athena where she consults a giant spider who is guarding the Mark of Athena. She is one of the first to find it but she doubts she'll be the first come back alive with it. Frank, Hazel, and Leo have also recenlty left the Argo II to go find where the captured Nico de Angelo is. If they successfully find it, they will find there first group challenge since there are giants and traps there. And if they get caught, there will be no way any one will be able to capture Gaea. These spirits of Gaea called Eidolons have been recently following them on the quest trying to possess their bodies and take over them. They have done that on the Argo II to Jason, Percy, and Leo. But Piper charmed speaked them to stop coming on this ship and it has seemed to work.

                    But there quest has barely started since they have only made it Rome which is one of there destinations but if they succedd against Rome, they will have to go Greece to defend the original Mount Olympus. All the giants have risen from Tatarous and the Doors of Death that are somewhere near Rome and Greece is here and they have to seal the original ones to keep the giants in there good and hopefully put Gaea to sleep for good. But if they fail, Gaea will have one boy and one girl get there blood splattered and water Mount Olympus to help her become fully awake. And if that happens GAME OVER.

                    I want to predict that this quest will be successful in this book and the books that follow, but their crew is not doing so well. Annabeth broke her ankle and has to face a giant spider with sharp legs against her little dagger. Frank, Hazel, and Leo have just met Eidolons and have to find where Nico di Angelo is and find where that is without being captured by the giants and get their whole crew over there. Jason and Piper have to defend the Argo II in the middle of Rome, one of the original home of the gods and monsters. Percy has been thinking about what Athena had said to him in his dream which completely relates to this quest. It was that he would be too loyal to his friends when it came time and would save his friends instead of saving the world. Coach Hedge wants to straight out fight every monster but when that happened it just hurt the crew. Everyone on the ship has some secrets that are important but they are keeping them to themselves. And if they want to be a big team. They must know there team. Also they don't have a god with them since there is about to be a War between the Roman and the Greeks so the gods are splitting there two forms when they are about to battle. So killing the giants is not going to work and they need a huge miracle.

                   So I predict that Annabeth will probably not make it out like the other children of Athena trying to find the Mark of Athena. As Percy, Jason, Piper, Leo, Frank, and Hazel go to try and rescue Nico, they will be captured and they will be tortured but will fight trying to get out alive which they won't and Gaea will wake. Causing the world to be over and Game over for the Roman and Greeks because instead of trying to keep Gaea sleeping, they fought each other which was a distraction big enough to wake Gaea.

                   Sorry to be so negative but their crew right now needs a huge miracle to pull this off. And without the gods who are in America and they are in Rome and Greece,  this is gonna be a long shot for them.

1 comment:

  1. Mark I'd Athena is one of my favorite Rick riordan books. I just didn't like the cliff hanger, but it is pretty interesting.
