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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Book Recomendation

If you're looking for a new book to read and want something you haven't read before, I would recommend reading the Hunger Games. The Hunger Games is a book about a 16 year old girl named Katniss Everdeen who lives in the Hostile District 12. Where 2 kids from ages 12-18 from each of the 12 districts are forced to send one boy and girl to go fight to the death on live TV, just for the entertainment. For District 12 this year, Katniss' sister, Prim, is chosen to go to the arena for the girl selection. Katniss knows how scared Prim was for this happening, so she volunteers for her. So now Katniss has to go fight to the death against 23 other tributes who don't want to be there either. She's used to hunting animals in the woods, but she doubts she will ever do the same to a person. But there in District 12, she supplys the food for the family and helps care for her mother and her sister, so another huge obstacle has been thrown in the way. And Katniss already hates the Capitol enough for what they were doing before Katniss' sister was chosen. The movie for this book is also really good, but not at relating to the book. The movie excludes the details of the beginning of the book where Katniss starts out in District 12 and it exculdes seeing every tribute fighting in the arena like you see in the book. In the book they mainly count down from one tribute to another. But in the movie, they skip a few tributes in the arena. And in the arena you also don't see the detail of each and every attack like you do in the book. Also since I liked this book, I would recommend reading the next book in the series Catching Fire, after you would read this one if you liked this book. And if it is like this book but continued, the next book should be even better.

Monday, September 16, 2013

As I finished the first book in the Hunger Games. I thought it would have been a happy ending because they would both be able to make it home safely. But I thought all wrong. Since President Snow was furious about how Katniss and Peeta made them let them both win by using the berries to kill themselves both if they ate them to both stay together. So Haymitch has told them that they have to act like they love each other forever. But why will Katniss have to act, she looks she already is in love and Peeta isn't acting when he tells her. But they will have to be able to act like it until the capital can get over it, which is most likely never for them. And if someone was mad at me, I would want to try and not to get them mad at me too but try and get what I want.  I can bet plenty of people would fake a lot of things to try and make up the truth to make them not guilty all around the world. But in the next book. I can predict that there will be a lot of Katniss faking being in love with Peeta and a mad Capital behind there every mood. Because in other books like Harry Potter, most conflicts don't end in just one book. Like with Voldemort after Harry through seven books and the fight doesn't end till the seventh. But will Katniss be able to fake being in love with Peeta forever with Peeta mad at her? Now I want to find out

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

In the Huunger Games, the arena which every tribute is forced to go into is always changing to make it. So there's always something different within it every time they describe Katniss or other characters fighting and surviving it. Since Katniss is always moving around and never staying in the same spot in the arena, she sees it from many different views. Here is a quote from the beginning of the games, "We're on a flat, open stretch of ground. A plain of hard-packed dirt. Behind the tributes across from me, I can see nothing, indicating either a steep downward slope or even a cliff. To my right lies a lake. To my left and back, sparse piney woods. This is where Haymitch would want me to go. Immeadiately" (Pg 148). For Katniss being good with a bow and arrow and being able to climb trees very well. Katniss is in a lot of luck compared to those who aren't. So she has a good chance of winning because she can shoot rabbits really well so she'll be able to have food. She can hide in trees because of her size so she can easily climb high up in trees where no one will notice her and she can shoot them from above or sleep where people can't get to her. Which is what this quote describes, "I pick my tree carefully. A willow, not terribly tall but set in a clump of other willows offering concealment in those long, flowing tresses. I climb up, sticking to the stronger branches close to the trunk, and find a sturdy fork for my bed" (Pg 156). These two quotes describe the advantages that Katniss has over the other tributes in the Hunger Games. So I can infer that Katniss has a great chance of winning of the Hunger Games because of her abilities and the area around her.

Monday, September 9, 2013

As I've been reading the Hunger Games, one familiar theme has came up through out it and that is that you have to work for what you want. In district 12, the people have use the best of what they can find to their advantage. Everyone is always sick and injured and forced to work and if they don't, they can't support their families. When Gale asks her about a revolt, they would have to work really hard against a really advanced country to be able to work that off. Even in the Arena the only way people have one before, is by working hard to try and keep themselves going. And this can be an example for any of us doing anything, that we need to work hard and use everything we have to help us to be able to get what we want which is what we would be working for. If not there is not a point in trying to work for it. When Katniss and Peeta are in the arena, you can tell how hard Katniss uses whats around her to be able to survive and work for getting home, "I-- I-- we teamed up. Blew up the supplies. I tried to save her, I did. But he got there first. District One," I say. Maybe if he knows I helped Rue, he won't chose some slow, sadistic end for me" (Pg 287). This quote helps you imagine what Katniss was trying to do. She teamed up with Rue who was sneaky enough to help them blow up supplies to get one of them a step closer to going back home where they all want to be. And that's what they all try to do. Use what they got and work hard with it.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Katniss Everdeen of my novel, The Hunger Games, is currently trying to save herself and Peeta from the unexpected challenges of the Hunger Games. The rule change had just occurred saying that each tribute from one district can go home if they both are the final tribute. Peeta has now turned into Katniss' life to protect him. He did so many good things for her and she just repays him with something opposite of it. And Katniss hates owing people. The thought of killing people that are friends to her kills her on the inside. But she knows she has to give it all she's got to get home with Peeta in a well enough condition. But can she compeat with the Career's and everyone else who has survived.