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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Toughness Summary so far

                 Toughness, the non-fiction book by Jay Bilas, has personal stories of Jay Bilas of how his parents affected his life by showing him how to be tough in the right sense, to get into the right schools with grades by themselves, and him trying to join the olympic team for the United States.

                 At a local basketball court, there was a tryout for the US Olympic team. So Jay Bilas went to the first tryout as just as an experience to get tougher which he and his dad agreed on since they both didn't think he would make the team. After the tryout, the guy running the tryout asked him he was going to he there tomorrow. But he told them no since he was getting his wisdom teeth out the next day. But then he told them Bilas was the best player at the tryout and wanted him to come back for the team and rescheduled his appointment.

                So another part of this book shows why this is a great book to read. That you should never think bad of yourself because if you do, that's what will happen . So you should always think that you can do whatever you want and you will be able to achieve that.